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Daily Practice Guidelines

● Be Early. Know when your Practice starts. Fill water bottles, get your equipment and get used to the cold water in that amount of time prior to practice starting.

● Know what you can do and do it well.

● Know what you can’t do and work to improve that skill.

● If school is cancelled due to inclement weather, the pool closes and the Penguins will not practice.

● The Locker Room will be kept clean. Our athletes should also be mindful of the fact that we are a community pool with others using the locker room at the same time. Treat others as you want to be treated and act in front of others as you would have them act in front of you.

● You will experience some aches and pains at some point during the season. You need to know the difference between being tired and being injured. If you are tired, swim through it. If you are injured, you need to tell a coach immediately. **One thing that will help is adequate water consumption! PLEASE do not go all day at school without drinking and then expect to swim for an hour or 2 on whatever small amount you drink at practice; that usually won’t cut it. You need to hydrate BEFORE and DURING an intense workout. We ask the younger swimmers to bring their bottles and follow this practice as well so they can begin to form good habits about proper hydration.

● Be ready to learn. Understand that coaches are here to make you better. Listen to and do what they say to the best of your ability.

● Our success as a program will largely be determined by each swimmer’s ability to give themselves fully to the team. If everyone does this, we will be successful!

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